To add new pre-recorded content to your on-demand Playlists, you start by adding a new Episode. An Episode is a container for your Media.
From your Sermon Studio's Dashboard click on Upload Media / Add New Episode. An Episode can include one Audio file, one Video file, and one PDF document file.
Add the information specific to the content of your upload. Enter the title, you can also add a date, description, keywords, and artwork.
Within the Categories tab you can further define your content by adding a speaker, series, or scripture reference, It is important to thoroughly describe your content so that your online congregation and guests can find what they are looking for, when they are looking for it.
Once we receive your upload we will transcode your source file to create a new internet-friendly version of your media, which will then be assigned to your Episode.
Within your Transcoding Profile Template section you can determine the bitrate and resolution settings at which you upload will be published. At the bottom of the Add New Episode panel, click to expand this section,
The top drop down will set the bitrate at which your audio file uploads will be published. We typically recommend 96 Kilobytes per second for your audio archive.
If you are uploading. video, you can set the video resolution, the video bitrate, and the bitrate of the audio within the video.
We can also automatically create a separate, stand-alone audio file from your video upload. You can set the bitrate at which this companion audio file will be published.
Keep in mind, each media file you add to your archive will add to your cumulative storage total. If you go over your plan's usage allotment there will be an overage fee for that month.
You can control your Usage by keeping these numbers as low as possible - as long as the published media still looks and sounds great! Your settings will be saved and used for every upload moving forward, but they can be modified at any time/
We have set our suggested default values in your account, but you can make adjustments if desired.
Once the Details are in place, scroll down to the Upload section and click on the ADD FILE button. This will allow you to search through your system and find the file you are to upload to your account.
The most popular source file formats for uploading are mp4 for video and mp3 for audio.
* The following file formats are accepted:
.mp3, .wma, .aac, .wav, .m4a,
.mp4, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .wmv, .divx, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .f4v, .mts, .mkv,
.pub, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .htm, .html, .jpg, .gif, *.tiff,
Locate and select the source file from your system. You will see this file is then staged and now ready for upload.
Scroll down and in the lower right click on the CREATE & PUBLISH button. This will begin the upload process. You CANNOT leave this page while the file is being transferred. The time it takes fom this process to complete will depend upon the size of the file you are uploading and your connection's upload speed.
Once the file upload is complete we will take the file, run it through our transcoders, and then assign it to your Episode for public access. You don't need to wait for the publishing process to complete. At this point, you can leave your sermon studio and shut down your computer, if desired. We have the file server-side and will automatically add it to all of your access points once the file is ready.
At any time you can access existing Episodes in your Account. From the dashboard tgo to your Episode Archive. You can preview the media that is assigned to the Episode by clicking on the media icons to the far right of the title. WIthin thie panel you can access media player embed code for this EPisode's media, as well as the direct download and playback links.
If you click on the title you will be taken back into the Episode where you can modify any of its Details or settings.
If you want to replace media on an existing Episode, simply upload the new media file to the same Episode, and the previous audio and or video file will be replaced.