To set up your live stream chat go into your Master Live Episode and within the Live Broadcast tab > Stream Settings scroll down to the live chat box section.
Click on DISPLAY to activate the chat box in your Media Center.
If you only want the live chat module to display when your live stream is active on-air activate/check the feature.
If you want to download the chat transcript as a text file, click on the button provided.
A chat moderator can login to the chat box to: Clear all Chats, Delete a specific Chat. Remove & Block someone from the Chat.
To add a chat moderation enter an Admin Username and an Admin Password.
Then, within your Media Center's chat box... click on Send your message to open the login panel.
In the top box enter your Admin Username.
Check the ADMIN box
Enter the Admin password.
Click on Join Chat.
As the moderator you now have access to the moderator tools.