Publishing your Live Stream Recordings, and making Clips (sm)

During a broadcast, you can record your live streams, server-side, to provide on-demand access to the broadcast, in whole or in part, following the live event.  You can have the full stream add itself automatically to your on-demand playlist and players.

Go into your Master Live Episode > Live Broadcast tab and activate "Publish to new episode" and "auto publish."  With these settings in place, when you stop your stream we will automatically create a new Episode in your archive and add the full recording of the live stream to it.  The DETAILS on your Master Live Episode will be added to the new Episode when it is created.

Some ministries will broadcast the full service but only archive the message portion.  To manually publish a select portion of the stream, go into your Master Live Episode > Live Broadcast tab, and then into Live Recording.

Here you will find a list of your recent live recordings.  Within your Account Settings page you can determine how long you want to keep the source file around.  After that time passes the source live recording will be removed from your account to help save on storage space.  Removing the original source files will in no way impact any copy that was made from it and added to a new Episode in your Archive.  We have made a new copy of the file from the original.

Select the stream recording you want to trim.

Press the play button to locate and Set the START point in the video, then locate and Set the STOP point.  You can choose to publish audio-only if desired, or press the Publish button to create a new video in your on-demand archive of just the selected portion of the live recording.  You can create as many clips from the live recording as you would like.

If you do not want to record your live streams, you can set it to not record. Within your master live episode > live broadcast tab > stream settings, scroll down to select or deselect the record option. If you modify this setting you will need to update the stream key within your live stream encoding hardware or software, as it does modify the key itself.

Oct 25, 2024

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